Slim, Tight, and Tone.

Experience a healthier, slimmer, and more confident you. Our ingredients are backed by scientific research to ensure their effectiveness in supporting detox and weight management.

Diet Supplement
Sugar Free
Non Plastic
Gluten Free


A healthy way of chewing 100% Natural

Garcinia Cambogia

Contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which inhibits an enzyme to help store and burn fat.


Chicle gum base made with sapodilla tree sap beneficial for being biodegradable & environmentally friendly.

Sugar Free

Skinny Gum uses a sweetener instead of large common amounts of sugars that hinder weight loss


Get started on your fitness journey with our all natural diet supplement infused detoxing gum!

Plastic Free

Did you know most gum we chew contains plastic? Skinny Gum has a Non-Plastic gum base!

What's the science behind it?

Garcinia cambogia is one of the most popular natural supplements used for weight management today. Studies suggest it can influence fat metabolism, raise seratonin levels, which can promote a balanced mood and help reduce appetite and cravings, making it easier to stick to your diet!


  • I love the taste! The mint is not overly sugary like most gums on the market and it’s something that doesn’t make me feel bad to indulge in. I also like that I will get results over time just by chewing the gum!!

  • Just got it in a cute pink mailer & i already feel like i’m about to get addicted haha it’s like the perfect product for me & i definitely will be buying again cause i genuinely loooveeeddd it <3

    mila b
  • Me gustan muchísimo!! Son mis favoritos, los mastico dos todos los días y ya he perdido 3 libras debajo de mis brazos.

    Gaby M.
  • This gum doesn't taste filled with preservatives and leaves a nice minty freshness that takes away my cravings while chewing!

    Gina V.